Apple has introduced all kinds of useful features to the iPhone in iOS 17. One, called Check In, can automatically let your friends and family know when you’ve arrived somewhere safely or if you’ve been delayed. The feature can also tell you when you’re moving in the wrong direction.
If you’re delayed, you can add extra time to complete your check in. If you don’t do so before the timer runs out, your device will send your friend or family information such as your location, battery percentage and cellular signal (you can decide which details to share.
How to turn on Check In
To set up a Check In, find an existing conversation in the Messages app or start a new one with the person or people you want to keep tabs on your safe arrival. Tap the Plus button, then More > Check In > Edit.
Here, you have two options. The first is called When I Arrive. Punch in your destination and specify how you’re getting there. You can add extra time if you need to. If your iPhone isn’t moving toward your destination for a certain period of time or it doesn’t reach that location as expected, Check In will notify your trusted contact and inform them about your phone’s journey. When you do reach your destination on time, Check In will let your friend or family member know you’ve arrived.
The other Check In option is time-based. If you don’t end the Check In before the time limit expires, your iPhone will notify your friend. This could be a useful option if you’re on a first date or otherwise hanging out with a new pal.

Whichever Check In option you go with, tap the blue up arrow (as if you were sending any other type of message) to confirm the Check In and start the timer. If you lose service or your iPhone shuts off before a Check In is complete, the friend or family member you set it up with may receive a notification early or later than expected and access the details you decided to share with them.
To add extra time to a Check In, go to the conversation with the person you shared it with. Find the Check In message, then tap Details > Add Time. You can then choose how much time to add.
How to cancel a Check In
If you’d like to cancel a Check In for any reason, find the Check In message, then tap Details > Cancel Check In. You’ll be asked to confirm the request.
How to modify Check In data
Selecting the details you want to share with Check In recipients is a little different. To do so, go to the Messages section of your iPhone’s Settings app, then find the Check In Data option. When you arrive at your destination, Check In can share your location, network signal and iPhone and Apple Watch battery level if you select the “When I Arrive” option. The “Full” option will share all of that data, along with the route your iPhone took and details about the last time you unlocked your phone or Apple Watch.
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